<a href="http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~kant/ants/">ANTS VII</a>

List of Accepted Papers出てました.
楕円曲線関係が多いなぁ. 暗号関係で, 以下をメモ.

R. Granger, D. Page, and N.P. Smart
High Security Pairing-Based Cryptography Revisited
Damien Stehlé
On the Randomness of Bits Produced by Sufficiently Regular Functions
Phong Q. Nguyen and Damien Stehlé
LLL on the average
Alexander W. Dent and Steven D. Galbraith
Hidden Pairings and Trapdoor DDH Groups
Ilya Mironov, Anton Mityagin, Kobbi Nissim
Hard Instances of Constrained Discrete Logarithm Problem
Johannes Buchmann and Christoph Ludwig
Practical Lattice Basis Sampling Reduction