- https://twitter.com/hashbreaker/status/367790984869851137:embed#Often fascinating to see how bad science spreads: e.g. "lattice-based crypto is the only crypto with worst-case-to-average-case reductions."
- https://twitter.com/cdavidcash/status/367857134303600640:embed#@hashbreaker What are the other examples? OTP? How is it "bad science" to miss counterexamples, as opposed to, say, a misunderstanding?
- https://twitter.com/hashbreaker/status/367886718071894016:embed#E.g., DL in GF(2^n)^*: worst-case-to-average-case reduction is trivial, ancient, well known. Claiming to "miss" it is ludicrous. @cdavidcash
- https://twitter.com/cdavidcash/status/367968662847623170:embed#@hashbreaker Now that you lay it out, that's a good point! (@ciphergoth I think people miss DL because they consider random groups.)
- https://twitter.com/matthew_d_green/status/367985448335208448:embed#@hashbreaker @cdavidcash Or anything that's random self-reducible? But surely the problem definition matters here.
- https://twitter.com/cdavidcash/status/367988946409897985:embed#@matthew_d_green @hashbreaker Also “avg/worst case” refers to a subtle definition. But DL in sequence of fixed groups fits any version of it