- R. P. Singh, A. Saikia and B. K.Sarma. “Little Dragon Two: An efficient Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystem.” (Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2009/488)
- A. Lewko and B. Waters. “Efficient Pseudorandom Functions From the Decisional Linear Assumption and Weaker Variants.” (Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2009/486)
- タイトルの通りで, DDH仮定で作ってたPRFをk-Linear仮定からでも作れました (よって仮定が弱まりました) だそうで.
- Z. Brakerski, S. Goldwasser, and Y. Kalai. “Circular-Secure Encryption Beyond Affine Functions.” (Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2009/485)