
(゜(○○)゜) プヒプヒ日記 2006/09/25 山田化されたチェスタトンより.
http://www.dur.ac.uk/martin.ward/gkc/books/manalive/から原文を探してみた. 最後の二つは流し読みしかしてない為, 見つけられず.

マンアライヴ (論創海外ミステリ)

マンアライヴ (論創海外ミステリ)

  • 突然の豪雨が、一同の眼をくらますばかりの暴風雨をもたらした。(p.17)
    • The eyes of all the men were blinded by the invisible blast, as by a strange, clear cataract of transparency rushing between them and all objects about them. (Pt I, Ch 1)
    • 多分ここだと思う. 一同の眼をくらますに対応する英語表現がこれ位しか見当たらなかった.
    • つずみスレで聞いたところ, 直前に帽子が飛ぶシーンがあるので, ここで確定.
    • 参照 http://book3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mystery/1159147011/154-165
  • ムーンが酒場の女主人と話すのを楽しむならば(ムーンは明らかに楽しんでいるように見えた)、主として彼女が内容のある話をするからであった。(p.12)
    • This was partly because company is quieter than society: and if he enjoyed talking to a barmaid (as apparently he did), it was chiefly because the barmaid did the talking. Moreover he would often bring other talent to assist her. (Pt I, Ch 1)
  • スミスは二、三箱の煙草を取り出して、彼が煙草を吸わないことを簡素だが相手を当惑させる誠実さで説明した代物だったのである。(p.30)
  • あたかも、子供が店のショーウィンドウを眺めるような、奇妙な色のついたシロップ菓子がそこにはあった。(p.30)
  • ロンドンの給水所にただちに豪雨が注ぐのと同じくらい速やかに、その男ワーナーが誰かに暗殺されるという傾向は大きい。(p.126)
    • As soon stay the cataract of the London water-works as stay the great tendency of Dr. Warner to be assassinated by somebody. (Pt II, Ch 1)
  • まるで大砲が突然放たれたかのように突然マンドリンの音が大きく響きわたり、つきぬ話も中断された。(p.38)
    • the buzz of talk was suddenly broken by Miss Hunt’s musical instrument banging with the abruptness of artillery into a vulgar but spirited tune. (Pt I, Ch 2)
    • コメント欄より
    • Suddenly there came from the darkening room a silvery ping and pong which told them that Rosamund had brought out the long-neglected mandoline. After the first few notes there was more of the distant bell-like laughter.
  • モーゼス・グールドの歩きぶりは、黒人らしいかんしゃくをおさえつけようとするかのような頼りないものだった。(p.99)
    • Towards the synod thus somewhat at a standstill there approached through the growing haze and gloaming a short dark figure with a walk apparently founded on the imperfect repression of a negro breakdown. Something at once in the familiarity and the incongruity of this being moved Michael to even heartier outbursts of a healthy and humane flippancy. "Why, here's little Nosey Gould," he exclaimed. (Pt I, Ch 5)
    • 原文の第五章を流し読んだ. こことその後にグールド(Moses Gould)が歩いている描写がある.
    • つずみスレで聞いたところ, 「グールドがいるじゃないか」とMoonが喋っているのでここで確定.
    • 参照 http://book3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mystery/1159147011/154-156
  • そして、人影の消えた庭園はさらにいっそう暮れなずんでいったのだった。(p.84)
    • 分からず. Broad daylight still endured; but it had already changed from gold to silver, and was changing from silver to gray. The long plumy shadows of the one or two trees in the garden faded more and more upon a dead background of dusk.とあるので, Ch 5の頭の方で夕暮れにはなっている.
    • Broad daylight still endured; but it had already changed from gold to silver, and was changing from silver to gray. The long plumy shadows of the one or two trees in the garden faded more and more upon a dead background of dusk. In the sharpest and deepest shadow, which was the entrance to the house by the big French windows, Rosamund could watch a hurried consultation between Inglewood (who was still left in charge of the mysterious captive) and Diana, who had moved to his assistance from without. After a few minutes and gestures they went inside, shutting the glass doors upon the garden; and the garden seemed to grow grayer still. (Pt I, Ch 5)
    • ここの最後のand the garden seemed to grow grayer stillな気がしてきた.
    • つずみスレで聞いたところ, 直前に二人は庭に面したガラス戸を閉めて、奥へと消えた。とあるので, and the garden seemed to grow grayer stillで確定.
    • 参照 http://book3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mystery/1159147011/154-156